沈阳朗思顿英语培训是沈城首家以专业出国英语,少儿英语启蒙培训为主的机构。中心课程包括少儿英语启蒙 、少儿外教口语、、雅思培训,托福培训等,中心由全美籍外教组成,师资力量雄厚,健全的教学体系、注重培养学员英语思维、自主的学习计划、可根据学员自身需要定制个性化课程;朗思顿英语全外教小班授课,教学环境配套齐全,美方投资,颠覆式教学方式,目前培养的数千名学员已遍布全球,打造中美文化的桥梁是我们的使命。 INTR0DUCTI0N Langston English Training Center is Shenyang’s premier up-market English school. We specialize in teaching real-life and professional English to teens and adults, as well as offering individually tailored corporate training. We believe that English is best learned by full immersion in an environment where we are forced to use the language in a meaningful and useful way. As such, langston features small class sizes, world-class learning materials, an immersive English-language environment, and a professional teaching style which is focused on increasing students’ English skills.